Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oh, Well That Explains It...

My back hurts...

Yes, that is a pile of limbs, bushes, dead plants, etc.... in our front yard (sorry neighbors!). Yep.... it is bigger than our car. (Did I mention that our yard needs lots of work? Oh just wait until you see the before and after pictures!) Yep, my back is KILLING me! It was actually feeling better about 2 days ago.... then Lula Mae had one of her "you can't control me because I may or may not be possessed at this moment in time" spells. While fighting to get her pull up on her for nap (which took roughly 20 minuets, by the way) I felt a horrible pull and snap. Shock waves shot down my legs and up my back. Since then, everything hurts... well except standing. Sitting is horrible, laying is pretty rough and even stepping with my right foot is painful. I made an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow. So fun! I am ready to not hurt anymore.


Rachel said...

Oh my goodness Amy - praying for you! That is so painful... praying for healing and wholeness and strength and restoration!

Unknown said...

Girlie! You know you are supposed to leave the crazy injuries to Rachel! Sheesh!

On a serious note, I am really sorry you hurt yourself, and am praying for you to heal ASAP!

Emmy said...

Oh no! I hope you are okay. And that is a huge pile!

Emi Brade said...

I hate to say it but you may have a herniated disk, same symptoms as I had before I found out I have 3 blown disks :( I really hope you don't have this because healing has been a long road for me, I hope you feel better soon.

Shana Putnam said...

Oh no. I am so sorry you are hurting but I will say a prayer for you.