Wednesday, September 29, 2010

From My Devotional...

There is no one like You, and there is no God besides You, as all we have heard confirms.
- 2 Samuel 7:22

June 25

"One of the things that keeps us from getting out there and believing God is being scared half to death that He won't come through for us, won't dignify us with a yes, and ultimately won't prove faithful in the end. Or that we'll prove to be failures as having enough belief for Him to bless with a miracle.
If I'm convinced that God really loves me and has certain priorities for me that may take precedence at times, then I am "safe" to walk by faith. I am freed to know that my God is huge and my God is able and that if I don't get what I asked, if I'll cooperate, I'll get something bigger."

Exert from "Believing God: Day By Day" By Beth Moore

My friend Heather gave me this devotional book. I had mentioned that I would like to start doing a daily devotional but felt very lost in picking something out. So she picked this one out for me! I find it puzzling that many days my devotional makes me think of her, her situation, her life.... somehow it leaves me thinking of her. It makes me pray for her. Every single day. Without fail.

Right now Heather and her husband Eric, who is my cousin, are pursuing adoption. You can read their story here. Although they are wholeheartedly excited to adopt, I feel that they will still long for a biological child. Who wouldn't? Dealing with any type infertility is nothing you can even fathom, unless you are going through it. From the outside, I feel as though I know what they are struggling with. But the truth is, I don't have a clue. Being that I am very close to the two of them, it is very difficult to watch them take this ride of faith. A ride that very few dare to take.

This page says to me.... Eric and Heather, I can tell that you have fully given your family planing to God. Although it seems like God is not giving you a "yes" by blessing you with a biological child yet, take comfort in knowing that there is something amazing in store for you. You may not have gotten exactly what you asked for, but perhaps it is just around the corner! God always proves faithful! You are going to get something bigger! I am praying something big for you. Something bold. Something that may take many years to unfold, but I have faith that it will happen. By the grace of God, it will happen.

On today's page, September 29, the scripture reads "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer" - Matthew 21:22

It gave me chills.


Anonymous said...

You are correct God is always faithful. Our lives are proof of that if we just choose to trust in him.

God does give us always what we need. What we need-not what we think we need.

Unknown said...

Mmm...just what I needed for today.

"If I'm convinced that God really loves me and has certain priorities for me that may take precedence at times, then I am "safe" to walk by faith. I am freed to know that my God is huge and my God is able and that if I don't get what I asked, if I'll cooperate, I'll get something bigger."

That is huge, friend. May we all walk that way.

Unknown said...

Thanks friend!
Sometimes we are so wrapped up in our own lives to realize the ones closest to us hurt for us as well. We pray for you and your (my!) sweet babies every day as well. Praising God for bringing such a great friend into my life!

Eric Evans said...

Thanks Amy! This made my day reading it, I basically smiled the whole time. Heather said it best, we sometimes don't know others hurt with us in our struggles. I am so glad God has given us friends and family that truly care for one another.