Monday, August 29, 2011

Use Your Words

There are a few of things I find myself or others saying that brought me to a realization.

I love....
I adore.....
I hate.....
I am obsessed...
I loath...

In today's world, it is normal to use these terms on a daily basis and think nothing of it. Although, in our house we do not allow the word hate to be used. It just does not need to come out of my 3 year olds mouth, end of story. But what about these other words? They don't seem so bad, right?

I realized that on a daily basis I don't give God all of myself when I throw these words around aimlessly. When I have said I love Frosty's, love brownies, love sleeping in.... it just doesn't make it seem so important when I say "I love God". I throw the word love around all over the place, when I should truly love Him. I should adore Him. I should be obsessed with Him. I should hate and loath sin and Satan.

I am going to try to use my words better. My kids need to see me making good choices so they can learn to make good choices. I don't want them to think that loving God is the same as loving ice cream. I want them to know that when they think of love, the first thing that should pop into their head is God. If they can do that, then the other things in life that they do love will circle back to Him.

I want to be obsessed with God. I want to fully love God. I want to adore God above everything else. More importantly, I want my children to. I'm not saying we all can't love other things, adore other things.... for me it just seems that we all go a bit overboard and forgotten what we should really love, adore and be obsessed with. Next time you find yourself using these words, take a second to think if you are using them in the right context for your life.

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. -Romans 12:9


Emmy said...

Wow, got me thinking. Thanks

Rachel said...

You are so right! It is hard, but worth it to become more intentional about our words... especially with little ears that hear EVERYTHING!