Monday, June 6, 2011

Report Card

Lula Mae is three now (sigh) so I felt like I need to see where she is in a few subjects. I want to keep good records of where she was at each age, or the end of each school year once we actually start official school. So this post is more for me and my records, but I hope you will enjoy it too.

Reading Level: 2.7

WOW!!! Can you believe it!!!! The assessment method I used showed that she is reading at the level of a second grader in the 7th month of second grade. So close to a third grade level! She blows my mind! She is reading some huge words now and is great at figuring out new words all on her own. Her reading list includes over 600 words now and is growing so quickly!

Reading Accuracy Rate: 94%

I did my first running record with her the other day and found out that her accuracy rate is 94%. I am glad that I have a good background in education and can use all the things I learned in my classes to help my teach my kids. It is nice to know that I can put all those college classes to good use :-)

Self Correction rate: 1:3

This score means that for every three 3 errors she make in her reading, she correct one.

Bible: 10 verses memorized/ 20 Catechism questions memorized

I really enjoy seeing Lula Mae learn scripture. Also, seeing her learn truths are amazing to. I love to see her heart being filled with God. She has such a love for the Bible already and adores church and her church family.

Math: Pattens/size/ counting by 10's to 100/ simple addition

Lula Mae is really starting to enjoy math. Charlie is great at helping her with addition. She is super proud that she can count by 10's all the way to 100!

General: Right and left/ opposites/ rhyming/ cutting / tracing lines/ gluing/ self care/ nutrition / chores / Mommy and Daddy's phone numbers

This is a pretty big category. She has known her right from her left for a while now, but I can't remember if I recorded it anywhere or not. She is great at opposites and picking them out everywhere we go. Ever time we go past Moe's in town she says "Moe's... Lowe's.... Lowe's... Moe's.... THEY RHYME!" She loves rhyming her words and I think it is so cute. She a getting better at cutting and enjoys it the most out of all our crafts. Tracing is not really a challenge for her but she likes it. She is positively left handed! Gluing is messy.... but she must learn how, so we do it. Of course, she loves it because it is messy :-) She knows about the importance of brushing her teeth and keeping clean. She also knows that milk is good for her bones and fruits and veggies make our bodies strong. I love that she is interested in chores and is becoming more involved with the house work. And if she were to ever get lost ( and someone would think to ask her) she could tell them both our phone numbers. I feel good knowing that! She is quite a handy little helper these days and I just love it!

As you can see, school has been busy for us! She loves school and does not like to miss it... even on the weekends. We will not be taking a summer break like most schools though because I think it is important to learn all year long. We have such a laid back and easy going so a break is not really necessary. I have seen her learn so much from May 2010 to May 2011. I can't even image how much she will learn this year! The best part is that she is already trying to teach Jayce. She loves to read words with him and help me with his flash cards. Soon she will be really teaching him and I just can't wait to see it :-)

Overall I would say Lula Mae passed this year. Way to go Lula Mae, keep up the good work!


Beth Zimmerman said...

Holy Toledo, Girl! That's awesome!

Emmy said...

Very impressive!! You are doing a great job

Rachel said...

So awesome Lula Mae - way to go! :)