- My water broke at 2:09 am on May 13, 2008
- Charlie and I headed to the hospital around 2:45am (It didn't even cross our minds that we could stay home and see how things went... we were caught off guard by my water breaking a month early and were both half asleep so the first thing we could think to do was go to the hospital.)
- The nurse checked me for the first time around 3:30am and I was 2.5 cm dilated
- My doctor, Dr. Erickson was on call (thank goodness!) and suggested that I start Pitocin at 4:30... I told him to give me an hour and check me again. I wanted to see if I would progress on my own before I took any type of medication to "induce" labor (why induce when you are already in labor???) I have a great doctor who said it was fine. He explained that he only wanted to start the Pitocin because my water had broken and the longer you go the more of a risk there is on an infection, which is understandable.
- At 5:30 am I was ready for my epidural... the contractions were too much for me at that point. I had done no type of childbirth classes to learn how to handle the pain. So the epidural was my best option.
- 6:00 am I got my epidural. I was very comfortable and got to enjoy the rest of my labor. The nurse checked me right after my epidural was in place and I was almost 6 cm dilated. Everything seemed to be going very fast to be my first birth!
- 7:00 am Dr. Erickson check me and I was 9 cm! Charlie had gone back home to get some paperwork for his paternity leave so I had to call him and tell him to get back quick!
- 8:00 am I started to push.... I pushed so hard that after each set of pushes I had to rest through the next contraction because of the EXTREME nausea.
- At 8:45 the told me to stop pushing while we waited for Dr. Erickson to come back. He was there in about 10 minuets... longest 10 minuets of my life though!
- 9:11 am Lula Mae was born!
So as you can see, I had an epidural with my first birth. This time around I have read a book on the Bradley Method. After reading the book I am still wondering if I will be able to go through it naturally or not. I just don't feel very confident in myself I guess. I have been praying very hard about this and I hope that by the time Jayce is ready to come I will feel at peace. I know that even if I do get the epidural I am no less of a women. Dr. Erickson and I have discussed that our goal is a healthy baby and a healthy mom. We both have a good understanding of that. I know that if for some reason I have to have a C-section that it is God's will and I trust Him. I also trust Dr. Erickson to make that decision for Jayce and I. I know that he does not want me to have a C-section unless absolutely necessary. I am very lucky to have such a wonderful doctor! Please pray for me to make the right decision when the time comes! I appreciate any prayers you can offer! It won't be long before Jayce will be ready to come and I will see if natural chldbirth is something I can do or not.
I'm so happy for you that you had a good birth with Lula Mae. I'm sure that you can do a natural birth! I loved both of my natural births and plan to do it again. My labor the 2nd time around was so wonderful and I felt so relaxed (I'm talking about before the c-section with twin # 2 of course)...maybe because it wasn't such a new experience as the 1st time.
I had wonderful births with both of my children. with Olivia (16 months) my water broke but I never went into labor. I had to be put on the "pit" and the pain was horrible. It was also in the middle of the night and I was tired so I chose to get an epidural. Right after I got the epidural I was checked an I was already at 10cm. I pushed her out in 20 minutes. I tore very badly too. Noah's birth was a planned induction and I had him without an epidural. I went in at 10 am but I really didn't go into active labor till around 10 that night. I had him at 11:51 after pushing for 3 minutes.
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