Monday, April 4, 2011

3 Minutes and 52 Seconds Worth Watching

This is, by far, one of the best analogies.

This past weekend I went on a women's retreat with all the ladies from my church. It was nice to get away and refocus. It was on this retreat that I was turned on to Francis Chan after watching some clips from this years Passion conference. Hello.... he is amazing. I went on YouTube last night and just typed in his name. I clicked on this video. Wow. If you only knew my inner struggles you would understand why this video is so amazing. It was exactly what I needed to hear... along with a fantastic analogy. If you watched this video...

(I mean I posted it so all you have to do is press play.... you really don't have an excuse.... I will give you a moment to go back and watch it now if you were a slacker and didn't watch it before.....)

I hope it spoke to you. I am determined not to be that Christian. I want my routine/life to be more impressive than what I am currently living. Because unfortunately, I am currently doing that same routine that Francis demonstrated. Probably worse... I would say I am wearing a bungee cord too. Things must change.


Beth Zimmerman said...

LOVED this video! My son just got home from Passion (FW, Texas) last night. I haven't had much time to talk to yet but I know he was moved and motivated! And he said that Francis Chan was one of the speakers.

I need to let go of the bar and stand up too! :) Thanks for sharing this!

Emmy said...

That is a great analogy. Lately I have felt in a rut like I am just laying there- but I want to live again.

Unknown said...

I love Francis Chan, and this analogy. And that is why God gives us the grace to walk the journey. He doesn't expect it to be overnight. Have grace for yourself, dear friend. And, yes, I am preaching to the choir here. :)