Sunday, June 6, 2010

Dear God

Dear God,

Please watch over Uncle Larry. Help him not to hurt or suffer anymore. Take away his pain, fear and anxieties that he may have. I know he will be with you soon, but please give him some more time to see his sisters, wife and children. This is tough God. I trust you with all my fears. I am not ready to get the call that Uncle Larry has taken his last breath. I am more than afraid. Why is death so hard to accept? Even though I know he will be in a better place with you, I am still asking "why". I know I shouldn't and I'm sorry. Help heal my heart God. Help me to trust you with everything, even death. I am going to miss Uncle Larry God, more than I can express. Take good care of him God. I know he will be so happy to see Granny, Granddaddy and Uncle Mark. Tell him I love him when he gets to heaven. Thank you God for giving me such an amazing Uncle. Thank you for being with him through all the good times and bad times. Your love will get our family through this. Be with everyone God and help us to feel your presence.

All for your glory,


Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. -Matthew 5:4

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